False Claims – *In Progress*

This will serve as my data collection of false claims sent by Copytrack.  I am also including not just the ones on behalf of WENN Rights International Ltd.

This post is under construction, but I wanted to share what I consider valid data.

Pardon me as I figure out how to embed a spreadsheet.

So far, this list represents the claims that I feel meet the criteria of a false claim submitted by  I have much more to review and may open the tab to validate claims.

Don’t see yours on the list? See below what I am looking for.

While valid claims will not be on this list, I am still collecting them.  But they must have the image they claimed belongs to their client.

What I am also looking for:

  1. It has to be from (required)
  2. Who they represented. (required)  I am accepting ones that are not by Wenn.  But I will only make them publicly available if they are in a large business or have a lot of complaints.
  3. What is your right to the image (fair use, public domain, paid for it, made it…). (required)
  4. You provide a detailed experience.(the more details, the better)
  5. How much they wanted you to pay (a data point I am debating on tracking)
  6. Is the case closed? (not required, but I would like to know)
  7. If it is closed, what did you tell them? (this could help others dealing with their own false claim)
  8. Did you contact them? If not, I would like to know details about the notices, especially if they sent a lower amount to those who did not respond. On the other end, how many times have you had to email to get a result or give up? (optional, but a plus)
  9. Did they act on that claim?  Take legal action/send it to a collections company. (optional, but a plus)
  10. Did you pay? Regardless of if it was a valid or invalid claim.  I also want to explore if they may have gotten money on images that do not belong to their clients.(This is optional, but I feel this is an important detail)

Complaints that offer bad advice or false information will not be added

Again, the more details, the better.  Timelines outlining your experience are also wonderful.  I may make a form for people to submit their own experiences from, since not everyone has a blog.

Here is an example of what a valid copyright claim would NOT look like:

Copyright image used on my site and now someone contacted me and said i should pay them $180 for the damage i did. HELP PLEASE
byu/selfmotivate inSEO

Google is not a free stock image site, FYI.

If you did not have rights to the image in use – This is my response for you.


For the complete timeline of my experience with Copytrack/WENN Rights International Ltd: Click here 

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